About our farm.

Little Lupine Farm is a small-scale diversified vegetable and flower farm in Rochester, WA. On our farm we are committed to regenerative farming practices. We offer a 15-week CSA subscription full of in-season fresh produce, fruits, herbs, and more! We also grow various flowers with special attention to the glorious dahlia! In 2025, we plan to hold our first online dahlia tuber sale…stay tuned!

Our story.

Our little farm is situated on a small plot of land in south Thurston County, near Rochester, Washington. After several years of looking for the perfect home, we purchased our home and property in 2022. Since then, we’ve built up our little home into something beautiful and functional. This included completely reimagining the landscape, which once featured a rickety swing set and four-foot-tall grass into land where we could grow healthy food and exquisite flowers.

Growing up gardening and raising sheep sparked a joy for farming in both of us. In our early years, we never imagined we would be jumping into something as exciting and challenging as farming. It truly proves to be a labor of love we can’t seem to leave behind.

We acknowledge the land we farm on is the ancestral home of The Confederate Tribes of the Chehalis People and being good stewards of the beautiful space around us is forefront in our minds. We feel strongly about creating a space that we can share with the surrounding wildlife. We also believe that the impact we leave on this land should benefit future generations of people and wildlife alike.

These feelings affect the way we manage our land and the quality of our products. Our choice to manage the land in a regenerative way means the soil health, effects of climate change, and the biodiversity of our ecosystem take top priority in our operation style. This leads to high-quality production that not only tastes amazing, but also supports a sustainable, climate-smart future.

Looking forward, we hope this approach allows us to successfully steward this land while also providing our local community with healthy and affordable food as long as we are here.

We hope you will come along on this adventure with us!

- Kiana & Ryan